My Artworks

Title: In the dream world
Medium: Watercolor, Gouache, and color pencils on illustration board 
These are my artworks, so hope you guys like them. Please, feel free to leave comments and let's me know what do you guys think  about my artworks. I love to hear from your point of view. ^_^ The image above is a world that I created myself in it. I'm laying on the mattress and enjoying the beautiful sky. A lot of bubbles are floating around and fishes are flying on the sky. What is a beautiful day, right?

My Reflection
Medium: watercolor

Title: Organic Subject
Medium: Black colored pencil on coquille board

Title: Space-ship 1
Medium: Pencil on illustration board

Title: Space-ship 2
Medium: Pencil on illustration board

Title: Costume Figure
Medium: Pencil and charcoal on white paper (5 min sketched)

Title: Costume Figure 2
Medium: Pencil and charcoal on white paper (15 min sketched)

Title: Lilly
Medium: Color pencils on gray tone paper

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